Friday 22 February 2013

Potential film poster 2

This is my attempt at a potential poster for our short film. I tried to incorporate elements into the poster from the research I had conducted on real posters used for films. For instance, I downloaded the font Steel Tongs in order to ensure that our poster looked professional with the correct font used for the billing block. By using this font our film poster looks identical to typical film posters. I also decided to put the main actors/actresses on the top of the poster, as this is something that a potential audience would take into consideration when choosing a film to watch. I believe a black background best complimented the shot of our characters as they stand out much more clearer. This allows the poster to suggest that our characters are the most important element of our film, and how luck must somehow affect their relationship. I also decided to provide a rating given for our film. If I had to improve this, I would have put underneath who reviewed it and possibly what else they said, to create believability. To improve the font used I would have downloaded some more detailed/creative font in order to make the title stand out from the remainder of the poster so it would capture the audience's attention straight away.