On the 7th December we had a go at using Green Screen within college, we didn't know if we were going to need to use this technique in our film or not, but we had a go anyway! Jess stood in front of the green screen and pretended she was surfing. We had to adjust the lighting so that there were no shadows and filmed 30 seconds of her doing this. We then sat Becky on a swivel chair holding a camera at the same height as when filming on the green screen; Annabelle then pushed the chair down the corridor in order to create the illusion that Jess was surfing down the corridor which acted as the background for the shot. We then added the two shots together using Final Cut express and Chroma-keying.
We found using the green screen fun and think that it is a very good technique to have! However, we had some slight issues with the colouring when it came to chroma-keying, so we had to do some research using the internet to help us do so.
One good tutorial video we found was this one:
We encountered some problems during editing as in certain areas of the shot, the lighting contrast is not exactly how we want it to be as there is sometimes a green glow around Jess, but we are happy with the outcome as none of us have ever used green screen before. We also should have taken the sound from the background instead of the green screen shot, as it was just a practise, if we were to do another practise we would spend more time on getting the lighting and chroma-keying better however as we are unsure whether we will be using green screen or not so we are focusing more on the shots we know we do need.